Laura Weiss, Ich seh die Möwen aber wo ist das Meer?

Laura Weiss, Ich seh die Möwen aber wo ist das Meer?

Laura Weiss

Ich seh die Möwen aber wo ist das Meer?, 2021

Acryl auf Leinwand

90cm x 90cm

Laura Weiss, *1999 in Vienna, Austria, studies Fine Arts at University of Arts in Linz, Austria. Laura is currently a holder of the Soroptimist-Künstlerinnenpreis. In 2021, she won the Koschatzky Art Award. She had solo shows in Austria and throughout Euope, acompanied with various group shows. Humans, animals and humanimals strolling in and around their houses. You‘re just a visitor in their world, a stranger, but you‘re immediately welcomed like you were one of them. You‘re taking a curious look inside a window, you‘re looking in a living room, guys casually chilling on the couch, Humans sitting on a table eating dinner, dogs sitting on another table eating dogfood-dinner. Why is everyone naked? You want to grab a chair, sit down, make yourself comfortable.
€ 1.100 - 1.500
Manner Villa | Klampfelberggasse 2/4 | 1170 Wien
Work #408
Anfangsdatum 11/10/2023 11:00
Enddatum 24/10/2023 23:15
Aufgeld 12.5%
Total fällig 790 €

Laura Weiss, Ich seh die Möwen aber wo ist das Meer?

Aktueller Preis: 700 €