Iklim Dogan, Mayrig, mother

Iklim Dogan, Mayrig, mother

Iklim Dogan

Mayrig, mother, 2023

hand-dyed textile with madder roots and woad, embroidery thread

200cm x 140cm


In the embroidery work mayrig , mother Dogan takes up different stories that are rendered invisible, imprecise and contractional by nature. Dogan asks: How can different stories be seen in the same, and even our own image? Retracing images of her own grandmother whom she never met, juxtaposed with Arshile Gorky’s – an Armenian painter in exile – paintings of his mother who died in deportations, blue skies and red clouds throw a shade to the interwoven transgenerational history of the Near-East. (Text: Alina Strmljan)

Iklim Dogan, *1994 türkei, is a visual artist and architect whose works span a variety of fields and practices including video-art, installations, fabric and performative lectures. iklim is primarily interested in investigating means of historiography, ideologies of form and communal ancestral practices: be it the architecture of the Red Vienna or the contaminated landscapes of crime, or embroidering, fabric dying with endemic plants. Exhibitions at Volkskundemuseum, Wienmuseum Startgalerie, Weltmuseum, Kunsthalle Skulpturenplatz, Kunsthaus Muerz, Palais Liechtenstein, Exhibit Galerie; collaborated performances at Werk-X and Brut Wien.
Manner Villa | Klampfelberggasse 2/4 | 1170 Wien
Work #1042
Anfangsdatum 11/10/2023 11:00
Enddatum 24/10/2023 22:45
Aufgeld 12.5%
Total fällig 2.250 €

Iklim Dogan, Mayrig, mother

Aktueller Preis: 2.000 €