
Olivia Altmann, I dream of lemons ***VORABGEBOT FÜR DIE LIVE-AUCTION AM 06.12.2022***

Olivia Altmann, I dream of lemons ***VORABGEBOT FÜR DIE LIVE-AUCTION AM 06.12.2022***

Olivia Altmann

I dream of lemons, 2022

Zeichnung / Pastell

70cm x 50cm

signiert, datiert, gerahmt

VORABGEBOT FÜR DIE LIVE-AUCTION AM 06.12.2022 im FLOMYCA, Morsegasse 1C, 1210 Wien, 19:00 Uhr

Olivia Altmann, *born 1989 in Sydney, Australia, works and lives in Vienna. Distribution of roles, clichés, staging, paired with the good "Viennese Schmäh" - these are just a few of the keywords that the artist addresses in her work. In the staging of her models, she processes everyday stories, accompanied by a present sarcasm. The medium the artist works with includes oil on canvas and mixed media (charcoal/aquarelle). She studies paint/graphics at the University of Arts Linz, class of Ursula Hübner. Exhibitions in Jordan, Russia, Los Angeles and Vienna.
Olivia Altmann
FLOMYCA Morsegasse 1C 1210 Wien
Work #343
Anfangsdatum 15/11/2022 10:00
Enddatum 07/12/2022 12:10
Steuern 4.25%
Aufgeld 11.25%

Olivia Altmann, I dream of lemons ***VORABGEBOT FÜR DIE LIVE-AUCTION AM 06.12.2022***