Clara Maria Fickl, SUPERMOON

Clara Maria Fickl, SUPERMOON

Clara Maria Fickl


Fotografie / C-Print, von der Künstlerin gerahmt (Vollholzrahmen, lackiert), 1/5+2AP

70cm x 50cm x 4cm

signiert, datiert, gerahmt


while the moon orbits earth, it excerts gravitational attractions causing tides of the ocean and the solid earth. the lunar orbit draws a path that varies in distance, which means the moon’s distance to the planet earth changes between 356.000km to 406.700km. when the moon stands closest to earth it appears 14% larger and 30% brighter. this is supermoon.

13072022 / 47° 6' 46.944" N 14° 10' 8.544" E

Clara Maria Fickl, *1994 in Vienna, lives and works in Vienna // Clara Maria Fickl studied Art and Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and works with different media like photography, film, architecture, sculpture and design to explore, understand and shape the world we share. She enjoys the freedom to approach art as an architect and architecture as an artist. Sometimes beauty lies intermediate. With her work she invites the viewer to take on new perspectives and create yet unknown connections. // EXHIBITIONS: Female Art Auction, Artcare, Flomyca (2022); Young Art Auction, Artcare, Flomyca (2021); Odenis, Gang Galerie, 1180 Vienna (2021); Exhibition of selected Final Works, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Nomination for the Award ,Kunst 2021‘ (2021); Rundgang, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture (2014-2019); Rundgang, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Textual Sculpture, Kleiner Steinsaal, Kurzbauergasse (2020); Photography Exhibition, Foto Leutner, Westbahnstraß
Clara Maria Fickl
Artcare Rechte Bahngasse 30-32 1030 Wien
Work #398
Anfangsdatum 15/11/2022 13:00
Enddatum 31/12/2022 20:00
Steuern 20%
Aufgeld 25%
Total fällig 1.170 €

Clara Maria Fickl, SUPERMOON

Aktueller Preis: 780 €