
Ali Zare, Existential vacuum series, 2022, Öl auf Papier

Ali Zare, Existential vacuum series, 2022, Öl auf Papier

Ali Zare

Existential vacuum series, 2022

Öl auf Papier

59.4cm x 42cm

Ali Zare, * 1987 in Iran (Yazd) lives and works in Vienna since 2016, studying Contextual painting at the Academy of Fine arts Vienna with Prof. Ashley Hans Scheirl. In most of my works, society and humans have a special place, and speaking about these two subjects was always my favorite theme. My purpose has been to transfer the fragility I've experienced to the artwork itself. And to represent the vital transitions, between light and dark, suffering and healing, or the other way around.
Ali Zare
Artcare Rechte Bahngasse 30-32 1030 Wien
Work #158
Anfangsdatum 22/09/2022 15:10
Enddatum 06/09/2022 17:30
Steuern 5.6%
Aufgeld 25%
Aktueller Preis 760 €
Total fällig 1.000 €

Ali Zare, Existential vacuum series, 2022, Öl auf Papier

Aktueller Preis: 760 €